Submit a Title IX Sexual Misconduct Report
Title IX Sexual Misconduct Definitions
Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy
Title IX Infographic
Additional Resources for Complainants & Respondents
As a Christian institution of higher education, Indian Bible College is committed to providing a campus environment characterized by mutual respect among students, faculty, and staff. It is IBC’s policy that any form of sexual violence or other offense, harassment, discrimination, relationship violence, retaliation or misconduct will not be tolerated. This policy applies to all members of the campus community: students, faculty, staff, and visitors. It applies to incidents that occur on campus property as well as any off-campus functions sponsored or supervised by the institution. This policy also applies to off-campus conduct that has continuing impact on the ability of a member of the IBC community to fully engage in, and benefit from, campus life.
IBC’s policy is mandated not only by its adherence to Christian principles, but also by law, including Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. IBC’s policy is in accordance with new federal Title IX Guidelines. IBC’s non-discrimination policy states the following: Indian Bible College does not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity, age, disability, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, or income when considering admission to the school. However, since the foremost mission of Indian Bible College is the preparation of individuals for leadership in Native American Christian churches, the school gives priority to Native Americans or to those whose focus or goal is to minister to Native Americans.
All members of the Indian Bible College community are encouraged to report information about any form of conduct potentially prohibited by this Policy involving a student or an employee. IBC’s first response will be to see how best to support.
A report does not automatically initiate any particular resolution process. The Title IX Coordinator will walk through options for resolution and outcomes. Choosing to make a report and deciding how to proceed can be a process that unfolds over time. Although IBC may need to take action as a result of a particular report, IBC will endeavor to respect a Complainant’s wishes in making the decision that is best for them and will provide support to assist each individual in making that decision. Lack of evidence should not discourage a person from reporting an experience.
To submit a report, please go to the Title IX Sexual Misconduct Report Form >>
The Title IX regulations require the college to authorize at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with the regulations. The college Title IX Coordinator, Irish Noble, is responsible for the college’s overall compliance with Title IX including:
coordinating the college’s response to
formal complaints by students against employee Respondents,
complaints by employees against other employees,
reports from Third Parties,
formal complaints by students against student Respondents,
serving as the college’s contact for Complainants in both student Respondent and employee Respondent cases.
Upon receiving reports of Sexual Misconduct, IBC’s Title IX Coordinator will meet with the Complainant to ensure that supportive measures are in place and that appropriate procedures are followed to address the complaint in a manner that is fair to both the Complainant and the Respondent. The Title IX Coordinator also ensures that proper training is provided to the officials involved in the process and coordinates educational programs for the entire college community.
Title IX Coordinator for Staff, Faculty, and Students
Irish Noble
928-774-3890, ext. 110
Office located on second floor of IBC Administrative Building:
2237 E. Cedar Ave.
Flagstaff, AZ 86004